Suffolk County: Life in Chelsea

Suffolk County Life in Chelsea

Suffolk County

Suffolk County life in Chelsea – Chelsea is a town that has been improving gradually in the last decade. The best thing about these changes in the lovable town is that the upgrades have not forgotten the residents who have always lived here. Chelsea, MA has a history that is worth preserving. Unfortunately this history has seen numerous tragedies including a massive fire in the 1970s. Ever since then, the town has been doing everything it can to bounce back and match the pace of other communities in Massachusetts as a vibrant waterfront area.

The Real Estate

The sort of homes that you will most usually encounter as you cruise through the streets of Chelsea are duplexes and triplexes. Many of these building are either made entirely of brick or have side brick walls. However the hottest thing in the real estate market which has everyone wanting it are the newly constructed condos that keep popping in some of the best spots in town.

The development around the town is very similar to that which everyone has been witnessing in the main city of Boston. The new buildings reek of luxury and the areas where these are built look like they are taken from pages of lifestyle magazines. One of the most notable area which is the perfect example of this is the Admirals Hill.

How Much You Might Spend

You are probably going to spend a little less than your neighboring towns for better amenities. The median home value of the town of Chelsea stands at $287, 300. Know that these rates are however expected to increase in the coming year. For a range of between $250,000 and $350,000 you can easily buy a condo with 1000 square feet of living space.

What You Will Be Doing

Chelsea is near the water and that means every weekend you can stroll out to the Mystic River, or the State Park where you will find mesmerizing wind sculptures and cherry trees. You can also use many recreational activities available here like the tennis courts and the playground.

If you are into a fitness regime, the Boston Paintball here is the perfect place to work out. It is an indoor facility and also offers different courses which can be picked according to your existing skill set.

There is a professional theatre called Apollinaire, and is usually hosting regular shows in the summer. The company is also involved in a lot of youth theatre programs.

Chelsea has one of the things many other places in Massachusetts does not have. The Chelsea Station has the Newburyport train line which takes people straight to Boston.

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